
AT IT AGAIN.  “You don’t have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself.” This quote speaks to Kaison because if you know your potential, you should not have to prove it to anyone.

Kaison Allen Bigham was born to parents Kristen and Darin Bigham on October 27, 2005. He is the oldest of his family with one younger sister, Tessa. Throughout Kaison’s high school career his dad has undoubtedly influenced him and his future in farming. His parents have also pushed him to always do his best in both football and school. 

Kaison has participated in many activities within the past 4 years. He has been involved in FFA, Football, and Basketball for four years; Track, for three years; KAYS and NHS for two years; And art, Stuco, and Mustang Tough Mentor for one year. Outside of school, Kaison spends most of his time enjoying the outdoors while hunting and fishing.

His favorite high school memory is beating Troy his sophomore year in football. Football has been a very important part of his life. Kaison has been a huge part of the Valley Heights sports program being an All-State linebacker and making the Top 25 Players to Watch in 1A. As captain of the football team for the past two years, Kaison shows true leadership to his teammates. “This is the last chance for me, my last opportunity and I’m going to make the most of it,” says Bigham.

After graduating high school, Kaison plans to continue farming and eventually have a house not only in Kansas, but also Alaska. “You do not have to have everything planned out right now. If you know yourself; what you’re good at and what you’re not so good at, and what resources you have, that can all help in making decisions for after high school,” advises mentor, Mrs. Parker. She also goes on to say that Kaison is a great leader, very outgoing, and takes things seriously.

Kaison would like to leave his mark by being known as a hard worker and true competitor. Clearly by proving this to himself, he has also set high expectations for the next generations of mustangs.

Article by Paige Miller