Today and Always

TODAY AND ALWAYS. Traditions are celebrated by many people across the globe. According to The Westside Gazette, sixty-nine percent of people have traditions growing up and 43% say their longest-running traditions have been going for 16 years or more. Traditions provide us with a sense of comfort and bringing people together.

At Valley Heights High School, we have many ongoing traditions celebrated by students and staff. Many of these traditions are from Homecoming Week. Some examples are the bonfire, Spikefest, and Powderpuff. Senior Nathalie Reyes-DeWalt’s favorite school tradition is decorating hallways for Homecoming. “It is a great team-building experience and just really fun!” She is also excited for: the bonfire, senior prank, and senior skip. “I’m just looking forward to participating in all the experiences this year,” says the senior.

Many of the past traditions at Valley Heights are still celebrated today. Mrs. Miller, the art teacher, graduated in 1999 from Valley Heights. Her favorite tradition was to drive around the Blue Rapids square backwards, after making it to state volleyball four years. Mrs. Miller’s least favorite tradition is the winning of the senior homecoming float. “I think it should be an equal opportunity and should be earned by the best work not just because of seniority.”

Traditions make it easy for us to blend in and also gives us a sense of belonging. “Traditions are a common part of our lives. They can be good, and not all traditions are wrong,  but sometimes they can take the joy out of life.” a quote from Joyce Meyer.

Article by Chad Bargdill