STAY TUNED. Keeping Up With The Mustangs has been an exciting new activity the high school students have been doing. It's a 7-9 minute video segment that tells what has happened during the week. It's a good way for students to get experience using commercial level editing software and camera equipment to broaden their experiences in high school in areas that they might be interested in. It's also a good way to keep the community connected to what is happening inside our building, events kids are going to, and what students are achieving.
Each student gets a segment, completes interviews, then comes back to edit them together. At the end of the week, students put the final product together with Mr. Ehrlich making finishing touches before they post it at the end of the week. Typically Keeping Up With The Mustangs is played during lunch for the high school students before going out live on YouTube for the community to watch at noon or 4p.m. depending on the week.
A lot goes into Keeping Up With The Mustangs like time, students go out and interview their peers or other staff members. It does require some students to come in during a free hour or stay after school to be able to finish projects.
This has given kids a chance to explore new opportunities, a specific one is Maddox O’Toole who learned “a whole lot in a short amount of time.” There are also several students who would like to go into sports broadcasting, and this class gives them an edge going into college.
Article by Lili Slifer