SMILING IS LIKE A DISEASE. “A smile is like a disease, it only takes one to spread like wildfire,” author unknown. When your brain feels happy, signals transmit from your brain to your facial muscles triggering a smile. “Living in a world without smiles would just be boring,” says Senior, Taya Smith. Taya’s most exercised muscles are the 43 that make her smile. Maecyn Gunn, Senior said, “Taya is always laughing and smiling. She is so bubbly, and has a positive outlook toward life.”
Smiling is the first expression humans learn, and genuine smiles help others smile too. “When I see other people smiling, I can’t help but smile too. There is always someone smiling in the hallway as I walk to class, and it keeps me smiling all day,” said Freshman, Brady DeWalt. Never take a smile for granted, instead pass it on to someone new.
Article by Khloe Gunn