21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3! We raced to the finish! #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3! Geared for the VEX robotics competition floor! #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3! "We're Digging It!" #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3 is "Cooking!" #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3 is going "Prehistoric!" #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration Day 3 is really "Stacking up!" #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration day 2. Our campers are buildig up to greater things with VEX Robotics! #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration day 2 is electric! Working on Circuit boards and Makey Makey! #KeepKidsLearning
21st CCLC Camp Exploration day 2 is electric! Working on Circuit boards and Makey Makey! #KeepKidsLearning